It's easier to go down than up .. but the view is much better from the top

It's easier to go down than up .. but the view is much better from the top

Love is the feeling of a strange and noble sense, be between two people combined life of the world, and this link leads to three ends: separation, death, or continuity, and this link between men and women, and we will mention in this article the most romantic words that can be said to the lover. Contents 1 كلام رومنسي للحبيب 2 مسجات كلم رومانسي 3 Quotes أحلام مستغانمي 4 I will tell you I love you 5 I love you love and the rest Come Romance words to the lover How difficult it is Those nights I try to get out to you Out to your arteries to your heart How hard those nights How difficult that The moments in which I look for your chest to include my head my beloved longing to you always kill me You are in my thoughts and in the night and Nahari Your picture engraved between my eyelids, the light of my eye eyes ..... Call my eyes your hands ..... embrace my hands Whispers .. Tnab my ears my love You have divided the distances and gathered the groans T my darling when I sleep I dream that I see you in fact When I wake up I hope to see you again In my dreams Do not be surprised What I have come from my little love You deserve and I am a cream You are not like you This world is an alternative You are a verse formulated by the great Lord If he shows you My soul will stop my love of my soul My pen will stop the love of letters and kissing paper in my hand One five fingers I see all equal Khashoa when touched my hands lost my life twice, once before I meet you and the second .. When I no longer kill you If Newton looked into your eyes I know that the gravity of law when it stops Time .. And separated the world from existence I know then Ne accepted the eyes of your forehead to the language that is understood by only cuddly silence prevails when it begins to speak the most wonderful thing that you feel may be in love, but the most beautiful to feel your loved ones. Masjat romantic words I thought that I love you eyes, but I was afraid to miss you I do not see you. It is torment to write to those who do not read to you, to wait for those who do not come to you, to love those who do not feel you, and to need those who do not need you. The difference between love and love when you cry who you love trying to relieve him, but when he cries who loves crying with him. From and rak asal alik .. my heart always be shy bec .. and God I am not Nasik .. but Bdala you. My heart is transparent, and my body is dry, because you know how I love you and you are afraid. If your eyes were equal to the minimum and what is in them, I will show you all the same as you. From the collection of true love have the most beautiful moments of the world, and the owner of a lover like you own the whole world. O laughter of the heart of Heranah, her cry shaking the universe, everyone who heard your voice lived a crazy life. Love is preferred over this life, it is the one that gives it taste and color, and makes it look colored in our eyes. And love is preferred to us, it sends joy in our hearts small, to become the power of the universe love. As soon as the door knocks until the hearts dance with joy to receive it, and decorate our days before him, dwells our dreams and nights, filled with stars and joy. The day of love is an opportunity to show each lover his lover, how grateful he is for his existence in his life, and to thank him for every moment of sadness and happiness spent together with pure hearts, love, and love. Ahlam Mustaganemi quotes Ahlam Mustaganemi wrote love in romantic words in her many writings, including quotations: Valentine's Day, Fei Eid, Fejjati, Habibi, Karahiti, Nisiani, Zakrat, Eid and all of you. Love is a holiday then ... Celebrate lovers and lovers, and exchange cards and tastes, where is the forgotten day Madam? They are the ones who prepared for us in advance the festivals of the year, in a country that celebrates every day a new saint all year round, is not among their three hundred and sixty-five saints one saint worthy of forgetfulness? As long as separation is the other side of love, and disappointment is the other side of love, why there is no day of forgetfulness in which messengers of mail work, and stop the telephone lines, and prevent the broadcast of broadcasting emotional songs, and stop writing poetry of love! Let me surprise you on Valentine's Day. I will try with you a thousand ways to say the same word in love. Let me take you through the myriad ways, and I adore you with the contradictory emotions of the thousand, and forget you and remember you, with extreme forgetfulness and memory, and subject you to you and disobey you, the extremism of freedom and slavery, the contradiction of love and hatred. Call me on Valentine's Day I hate you with a little love. The most beautiful love we find during our search for something else. Love always sits on the chair that we fully expect, along with what we expect love. Love does not master thinking, and the most dangerous is that he has no memory, he does not benefit from his past folly, nor those small disappointments that made his great wound. Love was better off when the pigeon was a postman carrying the messages of lovers, how many desires the mobile killed and it brought the distances, people forgot the passion that the lovers were waiting for by postman, and what happened to let someone love you with his hand, any happiness and no risk to keep A love letter to another age. Today I love you to wipe with the push of a button, it does not live only a minute, and cost you only a penny. The day when lovers would die in love was not the love of Eid. Today, traders created a holiday to market their emotional fantasies. They are not interested in inventing a feast of love that reminds non-lovers of their losses, and restricts them to the joy of others. Love is two who laugh at the same things, grieve at the same moment, stirring and extinguishing one sulfur return without coordination or agreement. Love is the intelligence of distance, do not approach too much, then cancel the flame, and do not go away long forget, do not put your block in one burner of the one you love, to keep it burning firewood no more, without hinting the other hand motor for his feelings and the path of his ability. The most beautiful moment in love is pre-recognition. How to make that confusion first

Length, that state of rotation that changes your pulse and your life more than once in a single moment, and you are on the outskirts of a word. Holidays are rotary, a feast for you and a feast for you, those who celebrate today with love, may come the next feast and have parted. And those who cry today, the sinking of their unity, may be the children of love pampered in the coming holidays, in both cases to prepare for the other possibility. That is to say, he who has not yet been able to put the sounds of those we love in tablets or a bottle of medicine that we eat in secret, when we are emotionally afflicted, without knowing how much we need! Enter the great love and get out of it a princess, because as you enter it you will stay, so that you do not touch the rest of your asceticism. In love, do not exaggerate in anything, but be excessive in everything, go in every case to the extreme, in the extreme lies your strength and immortalize your things, if you become a normal woman can be forgotten and replaced! I will tell you I love you. I will tell you "I love you" .. When all the languages ​​of old love end, there is nothing left for the fans to say or do .. Then my task will change the stones of this world and change its architecture tree after a tree and planet after a planet and a poem after a poem I will tell you "I love you." And the distance between your eyes and my lips is narrowed and the air you breathe is passing through my lungs and the hand you put on the car seat is my hand. I will say, when I am able, to evoke my childhood, my horses, my muscles, my paperbackers. B And when I was shaking like a fish between my fingers .. I will cover you, when you sleep, with a hint of the stars of the summer .. I will tell you "I love you" .. And wheat ears to mature .. Need you .. And springs to explode .. And civilization until you get ready .. And birds Until you learn to fly .. And butterflies until you learn to draw .. I will tell you "I love you" .. When the border falls permanently between you and the poem .. Sleeping on the paper writing is not as easy as you think .. Outside the rhythms of poetry .. Not to enter into dialogue with A body I do not know how to turn .. Word word .. And cut off a section ... I am I do not suffer from the complex of intellectuals .. But my nature rejects the bodies that do not speak intelligently ... And eyes that do not ask questions .. The requirement of lust for me, linked to the condition of poetry, the woman poem I die when I write .. And die when I forget .. I will tell you "I love you" When I get rid of the schizophrenia that is rupturing me ... I will return one person .. I will say it, when the city and the desert reconcile in me. All the tribes migrate from the shores of my blood, which was dug by wise men of the Third World over my body, which I have tried for thirty years ... I have deformed my male, and I have sentenced you to 80 skin ... for the sake of femininity. I will not tell you (I love you) .. Today .. I will probably not say tomorrow .. The land takes nine months to look flower and night is suffering a lot .. To give birth to a star .. And humanity waiting for thousands of years .. To look for a prophet .. Why do not wait for some time .. To become My love?? I love you love and the rest come - Nizar Kabbani. Your talk is a Persian carpet .. And your eyes are two bloody flowers .. Flying between the wall and the wall .. And my heart travels like a dove over the water of your hands, and takes nap under the shade of the bracelet .. I love you .. But I am afraid to get involved in you, I fear autism in you, Experiences taught me to avoid the love of women, and the waves of the sea .. I do not discuss your love .. It is day and I do not discuss the sun of day I do not discuss your love .. He decides on any day will come .. And on any day will go .. It determines the time of dialogue, .. I invite you to drink tea, you fairy El Hassan this morning, and your voice a beautiful inscription on a Marrakech dress and hold you play as a child under mirrors .. And The water sinks from the lip of the mazahri, so I give you tea. Did you say I love you? Did you say I am happy because you came .. And that your presence is happy like the presence of the poem and such as the presence of boats, and memories remote .. Let me translate some of the words of seats and welcomes you .. Dini, I say what is going on with the cups, thinking of your lips .. And spoons, .. Daini added a new character .. on the letters of the alphabet .. Let me contradict myself a little and all in love between civilization and barbarism.

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