How Including a veil, how long my heart, how long will the days of me? How long will I shut my

Including a veil, how long my heart, how long will the days of me?
How long will I shut my sorrows? Good humor is the food of the soul and sorrow is its poison. You can not stop birds of sorrow from flying over your head,

Sad words shed tears, words of sorrow from the heart of the book of life and words very sad: to miss memories is harder than to miss people. When you wait for your lover to find something and find the opposite, "the top of the collapse". Do not be sad if a killer arrow comes from the nearest people to your heart ... you will find someone who takes away the arrow and brings back life and smile. You do not speak when you do not find anyone who understands you, speaking at this time like nothing, but using it against you later. What is the benefit of the coat if the spirit in your absence feel cold .. from the wounds of the years. Darling .. We parted not to want us in separation, but because gossip and the rule of the strongest was the reason! Things seem to me as if they will never improve. I was so lonely in my room that I ignored everything I did. I ignored everything, even myself. We hide sadness and tears and tears sometimes .. Behind the words (I am fine) .. Damn the dignity of the self .. And the truth of reality does not contain contain honest. I went back to my isolation so that I would not come to the day I saw you by accident anywhere in this hateful world. Sometimes we wish our dreams to be true .. and sometimes we wish if our truth is a dream. My fear will give you a day and forget me. Do not put all your dreams in one person ... Do not make the journey of your life the destination of someone you love whatever his qualities ... Do not think that the end of things is the end of the world ... The universe is not what you see your eyes. I still have a tear, a wound and a muffled scream. The pain is still raw, and in a word he is woken from his sleep. You have left me a feeling of seventy years. Without feeling .. I find hot tears burn and Jntai .. I close my eyes strongly so that I do not see others .. I do not want more tears .. Then I sleep and feel nothing. My heart is narrowed when I am destroyed around me, I do not need you, I do not need you, and I do not die thousands of times when I see your beauty and I do not see you. I wrote to you my love on the pages of my eyes .. read by everyone who sees me .. To know everyone who met me .. And painted your picture in my heart .. Not to be hinted by the eyes of others. Absence is not their fault, we are the ones who made a lot of mistakes when we gave them everything. I cried my eyes for the pain of separation .. Fradd my heart sad by burning .. How to heart to forget you? Oh, who in the heart has inhabited you? Do not wait for your lover to sell you ... and wait for a new light that can sneak into your sad heart, bring back to your days the joy and restore your heart a beautiful pulse. Sad songs are enough to give you a hell of a vengeance. My heart screams screamed torn by my ribs .. And screamed my sense of a .. I miss you. The most honorable people are the most suffering people in this life ... so no one knows their language except those who were equal in their advancement. I miss you so much and I could not tell you, forget me pride, madam. I thought I could light my candle again. I forgot how to light candles from a long time ago. I thought I could write words of joy, but when I wrote, I felt that something inside me had been wounded! Do not try to find a dream you ... And try to make the state of refraction The beginning of a new dream and does not stand very much on the ruins, especially if the bat has inhabited it and the ghosts knew its way ... And look for the sound of a bird sneaking behind the horizon with a new morning light. So are the days .. deprived me even of dreams .. I loved loneliness and torment .. Wedding between me and her veil .. How long my heart? How long will days lead me? And how long will I shut the sorrows! It is painful to be more honest than they expect and they are lying than you expected. Wonders of this world gathered us and we do not know each other .. And dispersed and we our hearts related to some. I am reminded of the words I said to someone who does not deserve. Do not cry for any relationship in life .. Because of crying for it does not deserve your tears and deserves your tears .. Will never make you cry. It's nice to see something that was already hurting you and now it does not move you. The hardest thing: When you force yourself to ignore someone it means you the whole world. I love sea sitting..the sound of its waves is truer than the talk of some people.

I live in a time when it is called deceit (intelligent) and called goodness (stupid). O eye, do not weep, live the grace of forgetfulness ... the loss of your tears descends on those who do not observe them. Tired of your abilities, flying on the tree is not afraid to break the branch because he does not trust the branch, but trust his wings. I will pledge my love .. and replace my heart with a second heart !! It ignores my love .. I do not deserve to stay for it I suffer. The torment of longing is cruel if it becomes silent .. Like the child understands and does not know the revelation! In moments of farewell, say what you want without hesitation, fear, or shame. Life may not give you another chance to say what you want. Do not look at the papers that have changed color ... and the letters are faded ... and the lines between the pain and the brutality fade ... You will discover that these lines are not the most beautiful thing I wrote ... and that these papers are not the last I invented ... You must differentiate between Put your lines in his eyes ... and threw them to the wind ... These lines were not just beautiful words passing ... But the feelings of a heart lived a few characters ... And the pulse of a human carried a dream ... And burned with pain. My dreams are simple .. I just wish that my day passes without a pain. Do not grieve for your goodness, if there is no one in the earth who can appreciate it ... in the heavens who blesses it. What is harder to make up the lack of interest in a person .. You do not think about it! It is painful when people tell you (be strong) and have no idea what a difficult thing to do. When I stopped something, it did not mean that I was satisfied with it. God has happened about you .. I told him that my heart is knotted with your heart, and that you are my most passionate thing .. I invite him to keep you and me. My intuition does not mean that I am fine, but there is an explosion in my heart .. I do not want to send it to anyone .. Vrvka me O pain and God is no longer in the soul room. Recently .. I became the love of being on the edge of things .. so as not to fear the pain of falling. No one let me down, I failed myself when I expected them always the best. The mood is tired .. And bad luck .. And Bal does not care anymore

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 But you can prevent them from nesting in your hair. When we fail and shed tears; they either turn into candles to illuminate our path of the future and learn from our mistakes,
 Or that these tears will sink us into the sea of ​​dark despair. Sadness is only a wall between two gardens. When I bend to kiss your hands, and pour the tears of my weakness over your chest,
 And look for satisfaction from your eyes so I just feel the completion of my manhood scattered my tears between the lines, engraved sadness between the flowers, the tears of my tears, saying: I wish I did not live that feeling, Lita missed me before the sunrise, Lita missed between the lines I will not forget those smiles,
, Here comes the departure pulls his ears drowning knock doors of ages, here is life robbed the warmth of hearts and leaves us spilled from tears Bahor. Sadness causes darkness in the heart more than any sin. Sometimes grief sinks us until we get used to it,
 And forget that in life many things can make us happy. The tears are the fires of great grief. The most honest sadness is a smile with tearful eyes. Long silence is the road to griefwallpaper cute animals drawings cute animals videos cute animals cartoon cute animals to draw cute animals list cute animals pictures cute wild animals baby animals names photo model fashion fashionweek photographer popularphoto hairstylist makeup instagood bestoftheday photooftheday day likes good female world beauty art style photos amazing bride travel camera canon nikon vacation happy farm love nature naturelovers hd for #photo #model #fashion #fashionweek #photographer #popularphoto #hairstylist #makeup #instagood #bestoftheday #photooftheday #day #likes #good #female #world #beauty #art #style #photos #amazing #bride #travel #camera #canon #nikon #vacation #happy #farm #love #nature #naturelovers 2017 wallpaper cute animals drawings cute animals videos cute animals cartoon cute animals to draw cute animals list cute animals pictures cute wild animals baby animals names 2017 photo model fashion fashionweek photographer popularphoto hairstylist makeup instagood bestoftheday photooftheday day likes good female world beauty art style photos amazing bride travel camera canon nikon vacation happy farm love nature naturelovers hd for #photo #model #fashion #fashionweek #photographer #popularphoto #hairstylist #makeup #instagood #bestoftheday #photooftheday #day #likes #good #female #world #beauty #art #style #photos #amazing #bride #travel #camera #canon #nikon #vacation #happy #farm #love #nature #naturelovers cute animals drawings cute animals cartoon cute animals to draw cute animals videos cute animals pictures cute animals list cute wild animals pictures of cute baby animals