VOL079 Top Cute Animals baby 2018 Top Funny Videos pictures EVER LoL Top HaHaHa most in the world top10

VOL079 Top Cute Animals baby 2018 Top Funny Videos pictures EVER LoL Top HaHaHa most in the world top10

wallpaper cute animWe do not know where to begin. It is impossible to describe the gamut of emotions now. Shame, resentment, disappointment and anger.
I am ashamed to be in front of you, although it should be shameful for a person who took advantage of people's kindness and deceived all of us! We are now talking about Vitaly from Omsk with the dog Yenoy.
I will say right away that, personally after this incident, I decided for myself that I will help only animals, children and the elderly!
It turned out that Vitali lied a lot. His motto for life is "Do you want to live and be able to turn around" and apparently deceive people who sincerely want to help.
Honestly and write about him especially now do not want to, but together with you need to discuss and decide how to proceed.
Vitali really grew up in an orphanage, then began to travel like this (wander around), live where he can, work as a handyman! In the Omsk crossing he saw a journalist and Vitaly told the story of his life, which we and other public places posted.
Most likely, we would not know the truth if the dog Yen did not escape from overexposure ... then it turned out that there were many facts that did not coincide with Vitaly's story! Yena ran into her old yard, where she lived from a puppy's age! It turns out that Vitali did not buy her out of captivity! 2 months ago, he took her from the yard, where Hana lived! We do not think that he caused any harm to the dog, it seems Ena and the truth fell in love with him. But the fact of deception remains. The history of the dog was told by Irina who found it. She claims that Yena used to live in a private house in Omsk. The hosts left the house and left the dog with the puppies, one of them was Yena. Irina fed all the family of Yen, but then people from the neighboring high-rise buildings caused catching, although the dogs were not aggressive. - Enya's mother was shot, and Ene herself somehow managed to escape. Because of this, she is afraid of strangers. But she still stayed there. Then this territory was redeemed for construction of a new building. And they demolished everything except the house. Therefore, Yena moved to the courtyard next door.
Something like that. Vitaly is now in Kazakhstan, he did not get in touch for several days. He stopped responding to the girls who were helping him! The other day he showed up, and said that he had problems, he did not ask for help (probably in this he is right, but why did he take it) ⬇️
lis_help_animals and Tipo through the fault of the girls that helped, lost the dog and hovered in Kazakhstan! He said he will return for the dog! That's what to think? Opinion is twofold! I already wrote to him, everything I think! God is his judge! Girls @ariya_vi from Omsk, who sincerely helped in confusion. The report on the collected funds was made, bank statements were provided! The woman Tatiana, who rented his apartment and gave away a lot of her furniture is depressed and trampled. Now the girls are engaged in the fate of the Dog. While Yena is at home with people, from her home court. But Elena needs a real home! You need a master who does not betray! Unfortunately earlier it had already been "handled", but Yena ran off and returned to her yard! It's amazing that she did not run away from Vitali! We do not know what to think!
What about Vitali? Part of the help that he received, he really spent on clothes, food, road, document recovery and food, ammunition for Yeni. Reported until the truth is not by all means! Ostap Bender damn ... we will write to him a statement to the police? Or let him go with God? You helped, and you decide .. the girls will report how much they collected on their requisites and listed Vitaly. The rest of the money they have to decide where to send and whom to return! Enu they want to sterilize at their own expense.
anastasijagabi He was offered a job in a shelter in Pavlodar, which he refused and said that he would not return to Kz
uliabrancenko5Please tell me, what is now with Hena?
uliabrancenko5All, I saw, I'm sorry
alevtinapshetulskaya Let him go with God, he will be rewarded if he has deceived, for the remainder of the means to sterilize Yenu and send them for needs for its adaptation.
lis_help_animals @ anastasijagabi he went to Kazakhstan to restore documents. He says he'll be back in Omsk. But while it's hanging there
xoxoxo_misskiss Helped the old man is commendable. But to help a healthy young peasant in principle is somehow strange to me to understand. This was my first mental reaction to the post about him, in fact, it was justified
lis_help_animals @ alevtinapshetulskaya I told the girls so, but they do not. They are very ashamed before people. Although they are ashamed of something, they deceived them first! Although he still writes and promises to come back. We do not know this opinion in two ways. There is not a strong negative to him, just a shower of some sediment .. I can not describe
lis_help_animals @ uliabrancenko5 with Hera thank God all is well! These photos are new, it still has people from this yard. But we must look for a house
lis_help_animals @ xoxoxo_misskiss yes you are right, but we are such kind fuckers.
uliabrancenko5 I'm glad that the dog is fine) but about Vitaly, it seems to me .. let him go with God ...
lis_help_animals @ xoxoxo_misskiss we first of all helped the Dog ...
lis_help_animals @ uliabrancenko5 we also think so. The girls listed the aid in parts, and half to them intact. Ready to believeals drawings cute animals videos cute animals cartoon cute animals to draw cute animals list cute animals pictures cute wild animals baby animals names photo model fashion fashionweek photographer popularphoto hairstylist makeup instagood bestoftheday photooftheday day likes good female world beauty art style photos amazing bride travel camera canon nikon vacation happy farm love nature naturelovers hd for #photo #model #fashion #fashionweek #photographer #popularphoto #hairstylist #makeup #instagood #bestoftheday #photooftheday #day #likes #good #female #world #beauty #art #style #photos #amazing #bride #travel #camera #canon #nikon #vacation #happy #farm #love #nature #naturelovers 2017 wallpaper cute animals drawings cute animals videos cute animals cartoon cute animals to draw cute animals list cute animals pictures cute wild animals baby animals names 2017 photo model fashion fashionweek photographer popularphoto hairstylist makeup instagood bestoftheday photooftheday day likes good female world beauty art style photos amazing bride travel camera canon nikon vacation happy farm love nature naturelovers hd for #photo #model #fashion #fashionweek #photographer #popularphoto #hairstylist #makeup #instagood #bestoftheday #photooftheday #day #likes #good #female #world #beauty #art #style #photos #amazing #bride #travel #camera #canon #nikon #vacation #happy #farm #love #nature #naturelovers cute animals drawings cute animals cartoon cute animals to draw cute animals videos cute animals pictures cute animals list cute wild animals pictures of cute baby animals